Monday, July 14, 2008

viva, las vegas

I haven't posted much lately 'cuz words scare me. Here are some pictures instead (somewhat poor quality because i set my crackberry to low-res).

The CPRG took our poker program, Polaris, to Las Vegas, to battle against some very good players, including the best heads-up Limit Hold'em player in the world, Matt "Hoss_TBF" Hawrilenko.

And we won! (enter "Polaris poker" into Google news, or go to for more info). The program held its own against Matt, and beat some of the others very convincingly. Based on the post-match analysis, it might even be claimed that Hoss is no longer Boss.

It's been a long road (16 years!), with lots of kudos along the way, but we've finally accomplished a major milestone. I believe this was a defining before/after event in the history of poker. The unbelievers won't believe it yet, but then the gap between perception and reality has always been very wide in the poker world.

[and now this buggy blogging software won't let me add the photos... more later]

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